Thursday, November 29, 2012

Oil of Emma

I love using oil because of the thick application it can give and since it takes awhile to fully dry it gives me a few days to decide to easily change or keep something. I stuck to a tetrad of yellow orange, red, violet and blue green. i really wanted to focus in on the natural elegance that Emma always seems to portray. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


When I think about whiskers I picture magnificent mustaches of various assortments as well as a kitten named whiskers and british explores. So I combined a cuddly kitten with a handle bar mustache and an explorer attire. 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Butterfly Sketch

I want to show my beginning stages before I move into paint. I personally like the Sketch the best so far.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Charcoal Subtractive Stage

I like the silky look subtractive process creates. It adds a delicate glow to my subject. the main idea is to portray Emma as how I see her as well as how she actually is.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

beginning stages

I am also going digital with this sketch as well as the other linear sketch. I am trying to keep this one more basic so that one is more detailed while this is more general, kind of loose. 


I tried a different style with the same pose. I decided that in order to build upon a surface to create values and dimensions I would need to be as basic as possible. My goal was to keep it simple but have just enough details. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Celebrity Value Composition

These are the beginning stages of a value composition to show depth and variation in facial structures. 
I am really trying to focus on a more smooth transition from one shade to the next to add dimensions.

Celebrity Linear

I am using Emma Stone as a celebrity portrait. I did research on who she is, what roles she has played. I relied on multiple sources to create a fast linear sketch that would show basic humanistic features such as the general necessities in composing a portrait. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Walnut studys

The top half is a one sitting additive while the bottom is a one sitting subtractive. I started out by trying to come up with an original lay out. The top sketch was based on high contrast and refined details while the subtractive below was focused more towards a strong density of dark and light. 
